Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry for my silence, I am piled under homework, and am falling behind every second I'm typing this, so I will make it brief.

My Tic Tac Toe program is almost done, I have the display working, and most of the methods written.

Above, you can see the display. This was created using the resetGrid(); and displayGrid(); methods.

resetGrid(); serves to both initialize the multi-dimensional array that represents the grid, and reset it.

displayGrid(); creates a child of either x or o display objects and set's their x and y to a corresponding spot on the grid.

On the bottom, you can see the Win and Lose values of each player. At the moment, they are superficial. However, functional programming for them are coming soon. That's all for this post, next time,(hopefully) this will be completed, and I may continue on to another project.

Of course, feedback is welcome!

PS. You may notice that, from the last post, I seem to be experienced in this sort of thing. I actually have just done a lot of research into game development. My actual skills do not match my geekyness.


  1. Hello... First of all, I would like to wish you good luck with your game project!
    You may want to put some white dividing line between the x's and o's so that there is an actual grid.

  2. I planned to do that after I had a working engine, although I thank you for the feedback!
